As part of my work with Astekah, I create meditations to walk you through the internal transformation needed to catalyze external change. Whether it's reminding you of your fuller identity, or lost passions, or connecting you to your ancestry, these meditations will take you through a journey guided by your own intuition and pull you through to the soft side of your soul.

Testimonial for Personalized Meditations

"Hey, so I just listened to 'Meditation Morning' one and two and you're amazing. I love both of them so much. You captured exactly what I was thinking and what I think people need. 'You are beautiful' and 'you are wonderful' and 'you are ready' and 'you are allowed to exist' - these are messages everybody needs. I'm so incredibly appreciative."

~Abby A., Founder of The Justice Walk

Monthly Meditations

Sign up for monthly universal meditations, sent during the first week of each month, for $10/month

Personalized Meditations

Get in touch for personalized meditations for you, your team or organization

Sample Meditations
